Category: Replication

Transactional Replication Performance and Virtual Log File Counts
Posted by Rob Risetto on April 19, 2016

Recently I came across a client that could not get their Transactional Replication data transfer to complete within a reasonable timeframe. Replication initialisation would work ok but from then on no data changes would make it through to the subscriber database.

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Transactional Replication Identity Column Hell
Posted by Rob Risetto on March 16, 2016

Recently I re-created 80+ Transactional Replication publications with Updateable Subscriptions as part of a data centre move.

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Transactional Replication VS Availability Groups for Read Only Workloads
Posted by Rob Risetto on March 10, 2016

The Transactional Replication (TR) is still one of my favourite parts of SQL Server, and provides some distinctive advantages over Always On Availability Group (AG) Read Only secondaries. The TR advantages include :

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