Category: SQL Server Tools

SQL Server Backup to/Restore from AWS S3 Storage
Posted by Rob Risetto on December 05, 2015

The use of AWS S3 storage to store SQL Server backups makes sense, firstly it is significantly cheaper than EBS, secondly you can encrypt what’s stored and thirdly you can manage backup file retention and lifecycle using inbuilt functionality.

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Monthly DBA Maintenance Tasks for SQL Server
Posted by Rob Risetto on July 22, 2015

This is Jason’s take on the monthly tasks for a SQL Server DBA (10 Monthly Maintenance Tasks for SQL Server). My recommendation is that these tasks should be automated where possible.

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Design and Build a Data Warehouse in 65{2ec0bbd3bfdf207d2f0779c26660c3798ccadae611e41b6dbc787103c4a85cdd} Less Time
Posted by Rob Risetto on April 19, 2015

Recently DBInsight completed a major BI/Data Warehouse project in just 79 days, utilizing a new Data Warehouse development tool called Dimodelo Architect.

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