Category: DBA

Cloud Based Monitoring – the TCO is Compelling
Posted by Rob Risetto on November 22, 2016

These days organisations are more comfortable and adept at deploying critical systems to the Cloud, however, the same support challenges faced in on-premise

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Use Power BI to Forecast Server Capacity
Posted by Rob Risetto on February 22, 2016

Microsoft recently announced the Power View forecasting feature which is available when running Power View in HTML 5 format through their Power BI for Office 365 cloud offering. For those that don’t know, the Power BI for Office 365 official description is …

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Press Release: Relational Database Services (SQLRDS) Now Available
Posted by Rob Risetto on February 10, 2016

DBInsight today has announced the release of their new SQL Server Relational Database Services (SQLRDS) for cloud based and on-premise SQL Server environments.

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