Category: Trends

Is the DBA Role Dead! Not By a Long Shot!
Posted by Rob Risetto on June 19, 2015

The following article from SQL Magazine (The DBA is Alive and Well—Here’s Why) provides a couple of opinions as to why the DBA role is not dead, I would like to add my two cents worth to this discussion.

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Cloud Application Design Paradigm Shift
Posted by Rob Risetto on June 01, 2015

I recently read the SQL Server Blog article Data-intensive Applications in the Cloud Computing World by Mark Souza, General Manager, Windows Azure Customer Advisory Team and it really drove home the concept that moving applications into the Cloud is not just about moving an application and related database to respective virtual

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2014 Predictions for SQL Server
Posted by Rob Risetto on February 05, 2015

At the beginning of each year I always like to check on what the head honchos/big hitters are predicting for the coming year, and then for gags I also come up with my own predictions. So here goes :

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