Category: SQL Server 2014

SQL Server 2014 Licensing Fine Print Shockers
Posted by Rob Risetto on November 29, 2015

The fine print related to SQL Server 2014 in the April 2014 edition of the Microsoft’s Volume Licensing Product User Rights (Doc link) has some significant ramifications for punters who want to deploy their dev/test SQL Server environments to the cloud or want to have a passive SQL Server running in the Cloud.

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Reasons to Upgrade to SQL Server 2014
Posted by Rob Risetto on August 28, 2015

As you know SQL Server 2014 was released this month so the question is why would you consider upgrading to SQL Server 2014?  If you have a budget to implement the Enterprise Edition then you probably have more of a case to upgrade now, though items 3, 9 and 10 below may provide enough performance benefit to also consider

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2014 Predictions for SQL Server
Posted by Rob Risetto on February 05, 2015

At the beginning of each year I always like to check on what the head honchos/big hitters are predicting for the coming year, and then for gags I also come up with my own predictions. So here goes :

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